Fatigue can interfere with all aspects of your life.  In fact, about 10 million people every year visit their doctors with concerns of fatigue.  Many of those people have arthritis-related conditions.  According to the Arthritis Foundation, 98% of rheumatoid arthritis patients report symptoms of fatigue.  The percentage increases with obesity, depression, as well as secondary medical conditions.  Some patients note that the effect of fatigue on their lives is worse than that of pain.  This is probably because it can affect a person’s sleep, ability to think and process, and overall energy required to complete daily tasks.

So, if that second cup of coffee doesn’t get you moving in the morning, consider making a few adjustments to your daily routine.  Try these tips to help make you feel more alert and fight fatigue.

  1. Treat Arthritis Pain.  If you suffer from arthritis, be sure to speak to your doctor about keeping the pain well-managed and protecting your joints.
  2. Be Aware of Medication Side Effects.  Knowing the side effects of your meds is important so that you can talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have.
  3. Get Tested for Anemia.  This disease causes a decrease in energy production which may leave you feeling fatigue.  You may need to have your blood tested.
  4. Choose the Right Breakfast and Don’t Skip It.  When you wake up, your blood sugar is low, so you need to eat a healthy breakfast.  It should consist of fiber, complex carbs, and plenty of protein to fuel your body.  This is a great way to start your day off right!
  5. Make Time to Work Out.  Finding time to exercise with your busy schedule can be difficult.  But boosting your endorphins and increasing energy through movement is a great defense against fatigue.  Staying consistent is key to keeping you on track and your body will be happy and healthy.  Ask us about our independent gym program!
  6. Manage Stress and Allow Yourself A Break.  If you’re swamped at work, take time to stretch and move around.  Taking a 5 minute walk in fresh air helps to improve your mood and leave you feeling more relaxed.  Also, be sure to take deep breaths to replenish your body’s oxygen.
  7. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.  Dehydration can be serious and cause symptoms of severe exhaustion or fatigue. You may be surprised to know that being tired is one of the first signs of dehydration. So, drinking 8 glasses of water a day NEEDS to be part of your regimen! Keeping hydrated also helps with digestion and glowing skin.
  8. Develop Good Sleeping Habits.  Some well-known sleep tips include: going to bed and getting up at the same time, establishing a nightly regimen so your body knows when it’s time for bed, and turning off all electronics before bedtime as they can interfere with your sleep patterns.

As mentioned above, a healthy breakfast is important for fighting fatigue throughout the day.  What we eat gives our body fuel for growth, cell repair, and movement.  In some cases, fatigue is aggravated by the poor diet choices that we make.  Remember, that foods high in protein are essential for energy and alertness.  And don’t forget about how vital water is for sustaining energy and keeping us healthy!


